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R - Static variable in class hermes.postoffice.POCodes.Key
receive(KeyMessage) - Method in class hermes.GenericGroup
Override if you want your group to handle Key messages
receive(MouseMessage) - Method in class hermes.GenericGroup
Override if you want your group to handle Mouse messages
receive(MouseWheelMessage) - Method in class hermes.GenericGroup
Override if you want your group to handle Mouse Wheel messages
receive(OscMessage) - Method in class hermes.GenericGroup
Override if you want your group to handle OSC messages
receive(KeyMessage) - Method in class hermes.HObject
Override if you want your Being to handle Key messages
receive(MouseMessage) - Method in class hermes.HObject
Override if you want your Being to handle Mouse messages
receive(MouseWheelMessage) - Method in class hermes.HObject
Override if you want your Being to handle Mouse Wheel messages
receive(OscMessage) - Method in class hermes.HObject
Override if you want your Being to handle OSC messages
receive(KeyMessage) - Method in interface hermes.postoffice.KeySubscriber
Receives and handles Key message sent to object by PostOffice.
receive(MouseMessage) - Method in interface hermes.postoffice.MouseSubscriber
Receives and handles Mouse message sent to object by PostOffice.
receive(MouseWheelMessage) - Method in interface hermes.postoffice.MouseWheelSubscriber
Receives and handles MouseWheel message sent to object by PostOffice.
receive(OscMessage) - Method in interface hermes.postoffice.OscSubscriber
Receives and handles Osc message sent to object by PostOffice.
register(Being, boolean) - Method in class hermes.World
Registers a being with the world, making it be drawn when it is on camera, its update method will be called by the loop if update is true.
register(Being) - Method in class hermes.World
Shortcut for adding Being w/ update
register(GenericGroup, GenericGroup, Interactor) - Method in class hermes.World
Register an interaction to be handled on the update loop.
register(GenericGroup, GenericGroup, Interactor, Optimizer) - Method in class hermes.World
Register an interaction to be handled on the update loop.
register(HObject, GenericGroup, Interactor) - Method in class hermes.World
register an interaction between A and all objects in B
register(GenericGroup, HObject, Interactor) - Method in class hermes.World
register an interaction between B and all objects in A
register(HObject, HObject, Interactor) - Method in class hermes.World
Register an interaction between HOjbects A and B.
register(GenericGroup) - Method in class hermes.World
register a group to have its update called in the update loop
remove(A) - Method in class hermes.GenericGroup
Removes an object from the group at the end of the next update loop.
remove(HObject, GenericGroup<?, ?>) - Method in class hermes.World
Queues an HObject to be removed from a group at the end of the current update.
removeAll(GenericGroup<A, ?>) - Method in class hermes.GenericGroup
Removes the contents of a group from this group.
removeAllSubscriptions(HObject) - Method in class hermes.postoffice.PostOffice
Helper method to remove all subscriptions for given HObject
removeFromGroup(GenericGroup) - Method in class hermes.HObject
removes the HObject from this group
removeKeySubscriptions(KeySubscriber) - Method in class hermes.postoffice.PostOffice
Removes a key subscription
removeMouseSubscriptions(MouseSubscriber) - Method in class hermes.postoffice.PostOffice
Removes a mouse subscription
removeMouseWheelSubscriptions(KeySubscriber) - Method in class hermes.postoffice.PostOffice
Removes a mouse wheel subscription
removeOSCSubscriptions(KeySubscriber) - Method in class hermes.postoffice.PostOffice
Removes an OSC subscription
resetSubscriptions() - Method in class hermes.postoffice.PostOffice
Resets all subscriptions Use if passing subscriptions between Worlds
resolveGroupQueues() - Method in class hermes.World
Resolves the add, remove, and delete queues, in that order.
reverse() - Method in class hermes.animation.AnimatedSprite
This switches the direction of the playback and swaps the initial and final frames.
reverse(PVector) - Static method in class hermes.HermesMath
Reverses the direction of a PVector in the coordinate system, so the signs of each component are inverted; returns a mutated vector.
RIGHT - Static variable in class hermes.postoffice.POCodes.Key
Constant for the non-numpad right arrow key.
RIGHT_PARENTHESIS - Static variable in class hermes.postoffice.POCodes.Key
Constant for the ")" key.
ROMAN_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class hermes.postoffice.POCodes.Key
Constant for the Roman Characters function key.
rotate(PVector, double) - Static method in class hermes.HermesMath
Rotates vector counter-clockwise by an angle theta; mutates the vector and returns it.
rotate(double) - Method in class hermes.hshape.HPolygon
Rotates polygon counter-clockwise around polygon's position ((0,0) in polygon coordinates).
rotate(PVector, double) - Method in class hermes.hshape.HPolygon
Rotates polygon counter-clockwise around given position in polygon coordinates ((0,0) is polygon's position).
run() - Method in class hermes.World

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