Package hermes.postoffice

Interface Summary
KeySubscriber Must be implemented by any object that wants to listen for and receive Key messages.
Message Basic interface to connect all message types.
MouseSubscriber Must be implemented by any object that wants to listen for and receive Mouse messages
MouseWheelSubscriber Must be implemented by any object that wants to listen for and receive MouseWheel messages
OscSubscriber Must be implemented by any object that wants to listen for and receive Osc messages.

Class Summary
KeyMessage Message representing a key stroke.
MouseMessage Message representing mouse actions.
MouseWheelMessage Message representing a movement of the Mouse Wheel.
OscMessage Message representing an OSC message.
POCodes Constants used for Post Office.
PostOffice Listens for OSC, mouse, and keyboard messages; can also send OSC messages.

Enum Summary
POCodes.Button Indicated Button sending mouse message
POCodes.Click Indicates button event creating mouse message PRESSED, RELEASED, DRAGGED correspond to buttons MOVED corresponds to Button.NO